Join us at the Horse & Jockey Hotel, Tipperary, on Wednesday, 29th January, from 7:30pm for an evening packed with insights, expert advice and practical tips.

The event will bring together voices from the agricultural sector, with a series of speakers and a panel discussion focusing on key topics critical to modern beef farming. Including genetic advancements, veterinary health, market trends, and funding opportunities.


  • Stephen Connolly – Agri Sustainability Manager, ABP
  • Dwayne Stanley – Irish Hereford Prime member & Beef Farmer
  • Eamon Ryan – Brittas Ormonde Veterinary, Thurles
  • Teagasc / Local Authority Waters Programme – Water EIP
  • Joe Burke – Senior Manager for Meat & Livestock, Bord Bia


Discover the latest updates from the ABP demo farm, with a focus on genetic gains and the performance of the Hereford sires trialled. This session will highlight the critical role of genetics in achieving sustainable, profitable beef production.


Hear some practical veterinary and health tips that you can implement immediately on your farm. The discussion will also address the upcoming changes to veterinary medicines legislation and explain what they mean for your daily operations and compliance.


Find out if your farm is eligible for the Water Environmental Innovation Partnership (EIP) funding. Learn how these grants can support you in improving sustainability and efficiency on your farm. A working example of what the process entails will be explained with practical applications that are possible on the farm of our guest panellist Dwayne Stanley.


Get an expert analysis on the outlook for the beef market, including future trends and opportunities, to help you make informed decisions and plan ahead with confidence.


Stay informed about the latest Irish Hereford Prime Producer Group initiatives, designed to add value and support to members.

Spot Prizes:

· Two Hereford cross calves

· Free AI straws from Dovea Genetics bulls in our beef sustainability program

· Calf rearing bundle

· Irish Hereford Prime jackets

· Irish Hereford Prime Beef Box


Refreshments will be served on the night, so don’t miss this valuable opportunity to connect with experts, gain insights, and position your farm for success.


Register Now

Tom Barry

Tom Barry’s family farm is Baytown Park, Dunboyne, Co Meath. He is the third generation on the farm taking over from his late father, Thomas Barry in 2008 and keeps Hereford cross suckler cows as well as pedigree Hereford cows. Herefords are such a docile breed and as a part time farmer, with teenagers helping around the farm, it’s important to have a breed that’s easy to look after and handle. Tom’s farm is in the Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) for the past 5 years, where frequently taking soil samples and the completion of a nutrient management plan are required.