Chef Marc Seignard

Located halfway between the Champs Élysées and district La Défense, Le Village a Neuilly is a chic and cosy restaurant led by Marc Seignard, a chef with over 25 years experience cooking in some of France’s best bistros.

Chef Marc tells us… ‘The highly respected butcher Jean Denaux helped me find Certified Irish Hereford Prime about 15 years ago. I was working for the brasserie group FLO as technical culinary director, and we were looking for a very specific meat—one we could trust for many different uses.’

‘Since we opened Le Village in 2010 we’ve been using Certified Irish Hereford ribs, hanger steak, flank steak and the chuck. What we like in this range is the softness and tenderness of the meat all year round, something that is beyond compare with other meats. The taste too is very characteristic.’

‘My story is that I’m a French farmer’s son. We produced meat so I am already familiar with this area. A few years ago we were lucky to be invited by Irish Hereford Prime to Ireland. We visited the farms and saw the animals — they were outside all the time which is so natural. There is no intensive breeding.’

Tom Barry

Tom Barry’s family farm is Baytown Park, Dunboyne, Co Meath. He is the third generation on the farm taking over from his late father, Thomas Barry in 2008 and keeps Hereford cross suckler cows as well as pedigree Hereford cows. Herefords are such a docile breed and as a part time farmer, with teenagers helping around the farm, it’s important to have a breed that’s easy to look after and handle. Tom’s farm is in the Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) for the past 5 years, where frequently taking soil samples and the completion of a nutrient management plan are required.